How to Deal with a Big Health Insurance Deductible


Many people select a health insurance plan with a high deductible because these plans are typically associated with lower premiums. However, a person's insurance doesn't begin to kick in until their medical costs have met that deductible -- which can be up to $6,350 under the Af...

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A Serious Illness Can Bankrupt Even the Most Financially Responsible - How To Protect Yourself

Doctor showing medical chart to patient who is lying in hospital bedOver the last 150 years, average life expectancy in the United States has doubled, from 35 to 40 years of age to about 80. While better nutrition, improved sanitation, and vaccinations and effective treatments for once-fatal childhood diseases have made it possible for everyone t...

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Why You Need Supplemental Accident Insurance

Injured girl with mom and doctorAccidents happen, even if you are the most careful, cautious person in the world, and when they do occur, your “comprehensive” health insurance policy may not cover all of your bills. All health insurance plans, even those being sold under the new Obamacare regulations, have dedu...

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Why Everyone Needs Dental Insurance

Dental InsuranceAlthough dental insurance coverage is not required under Obamacare, it is still an excellent idea to purchase this supplemental insurance. Oral health is directly connected to physical health, and dental insurance is an economical way to ensure that both are taken care of.

The Im...

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