Search results for accident insurance

With it Being Back to School, Are Your Kids Covered for Accidents?

With after-school sports part of any typical education, students and their parents should be considering if they are properly insured in the event that, god forbid, an accident happens.Injured foot in moon boot

In order to lower costs, many school athletics programs are slashing their insurance coverage ...

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How to Deal with a Big Health Insurance Deductible


Many people select a health insurance plan with a high deductible because these plans are typically associated with lower premiums. However, a person's insurance doesn't begin to kick in until their medical costs have met that deductible -- which can be up to $6,350 under the Af...

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Why You Need Supplemental Accident Insurance

Injured girl with mom and doctorAccidents happen, even if you are the most careful, cautious person in the world, and when they do occur, your “comprehensive” health insurance policy may not cover all of your bills. All health insurance plans, even those being sold under the new Obamacare regulations, have dedu...

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Understanding Supplemental Health Insurance & Why It’s Important to You

Piggy bank with stethoscope and pile of cashThe Obamacare health insurance exchanges are live, and the new law mandates that all Americans carry comprehensive health insurance. However, even though the policies being sold through the exchanges are “comprehensive,” and are required to offer higher levels of coverage than ma...

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