Did you know that Texas provides low cost vaccines if your private insurance does not cover the cost?

HealthLifeDentalInsurance.com How To Get Low Cost Children's Vaccines

The Texas Vaccines for Children (TVFC) program provides low-cost vaccines to eligible children from birth through 18 years of age if your private insurance coverage does not include vaccines or only includes select vaccines.

The only requirement is that the children must be seen by a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), Regional Health Clinic (RHC), or deputized clinic.

I recommend low-cost shots at our county health department.  I live in Bexar County San Antonio and I just took my kids.

Upon arrival, you get a clipboard.  Just fill in the child’s info, put your insurance information in and check the box "insurance does not cover immunizations”.

Bring your current UHC id card – and they will call to confirm that your insurance is in force and inquire to confirm that it does not cover vaccines.  Once they find out that vaccines are NOT covered they charge a very low fee - approximately $19 per series. The cost for my 12-year-old daughter, for 2 entire series, was $38.

It took about 30 minutes and they provide the complete shot record for school for free.

To learn more visit:  https://www.sanantonio.gov/Health/HealthServices/Immunizations/MainClinic and
