Important Tip on How To File a Health Insurance Claim

When filing a claim records are what's needed.  

So, be sure to provide the RECORDS address for the provider -- NOT the street address of the provider.

When filing Medical Insurance Claims - Make sure to put the correct address for Records.  Most certainly your company will want the records to support your claim.  Problems occur when people put the street address of the medical facility.  What happens is these record requests are not honored and then you wonder why your darn insurance company won't pay the claim.

It is because they never got the records!

Here is an example:

Johnny breaks his arm-

Johnny wants to file the ER visit under his Accident Medical Expense Policy ( gap plan).

He requests a claim form.

Puts this address:

"Yes, that is where I went -- good I am all finished!" Then he wonders why he never got paid.

The records address is normally found under the Patents area:

As you can see, totally different address.

Most doctors offices & medical facilities have different departments and addresses to handle patient records.  Make sure to put the correct address on your claim forms if you want to get paid.

Same thing for Pharmacy -- Here's an example: 

If you use Walgreens most people submitting claims put the pharmacy address.  However, all records from pharmacy go to centralized location & require a special form---

So in closing -- the SERVICE address for care is NOT the records address. In order to get your claims processed in a timely fashion and with the least hassle take the time to google your provider and confirm the Records Address.  If you need help that is what your agent is for.  Call us! 210-696-7900