Teachers - Don't Pay High Family Rates

Does your district use the Teachers Retirement System of Texas Active Care plan?

A teacher prospect of mine just texted me the 2019-20 Annual Enrollment program.  When I looked at the rates (below) I thought, "WOW - these teachers are not getting a good deal".  TRA Active Care is used by most Texas Districts and the costs are - well - to say the least - REALLY HIGH. 

If you are a healthy family, there is an affordable comprehensive alternative that can save you thousands of dollars a year.

FOR EXAMPLE, the lowest husband rate is $686 and could be as high as $1168.   The average man is between $150-$250 a month, so call me.

Here are the rates for the Teachers Retirement System  

Then I got this text from a teacher client:

The rates (included in the text) were:

If you're a teacher and don't want to pay through the nose for health insurance...

We have trusted solutions to your healthcare insurance needs, including long term care in the event of catastrophic illness.  Call us today at 1-800-257-1723 or click here to schedule an appointment.